Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Time For Lent

It's that time of year again when Catholics all over the world give up something for 40 days in honor of the all mighty Creator. Sometimes the item given up is a favorite food and sometimes it's a vice that really needs to be given up and people use Lent as that reason.  Last year I didn't give up anything but instead took on a challenge. But for the life of me, I cannot remember what that challenge was. It must not have been the life fulfilling experience that I had hoped it would be.  I hope this year can be different.


What I Am Going to Do

This year I am going to give up a few things, but I am going to keep the specifics of exactly what, to myself.  I am also going to take on a personal challenge. That challenge is going to be to post something everyday on this blog. It's my hope that something I write will help to inspire others to improve their lives in a healthy way. Even if I can help one person, that will be a great accomplishment in my mind.


What About You?

Are you giving up anything for lent? Are you taking on any new challenges or possibilities? I would love to hear about it.


p.s. I am definitely going to give up my newly acquired diet soda addiction that came back after some very late and stressful nights these last few weeks. I am also going back on a strict paleo diet. There...I have said enough!


  1. Wheatless Wednesday..lol....I did it!

  2. Awesome! How do you feel with one day under your belt?

  3. I feel good....wasn't overly hungry this morning..but need to find something to munch on...and don't say celery! Blah!

  4. I gave up Facebook and Twitter. So far, it feels good. I am getting more done than I thought I would, I took a nap yesterday when I needed it instead of wasting time on the computer/phone, and in general I feel better. I'm glad I did it.

  5. There has been a lot of people that have given up twitter for Lent. Frankly it has made twitter kind of boring for me to follow! I should have given it up as well but it was just too hard to do. I guess that means I must have a "addiction". Hurry back!

  6. You'll see me the Monday after Easier! :)
