Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Cardio Here I Come

Last year I did a lot of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). It was a combination of Plyo, swimming, sprints, jump roping, etc. I then read that just 45 minutes of walking while in a fasted state could do the same thing as 20 inutes of HIIT. So I stopped the HIIT and began doing the walk instead. As evidence of my increasing waist line, it didn't work.   I attribute some of that to bad diet and some to lack of cardio.

What's Next?
I have been slowly been putting cardio back into my weekly routine. After the 1st week back, I realized that I really missed it. I really do enjoy working up a great sweat and being fatigued at the end. It makes me feel like I really accomplished something. Afterwards I feel fulfilled (and skinner). Could be all in my head but I really don't care. I feel good and that is all that really matters.

My first week back to HIIT I did some hill sprints down the street from my office. I followed that up with a nice run over the weekend and another run on Tuesday. Tomorrow I hope to get in 30 minutes of intense jump roping.We shall see in a few week if putting the HIIT back into my routines has any effect on my weight and muscle tone.

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  1. 30 minutes of jump rope? Wow. I'm still working up to 5. Good luck!

  2. Well 30 minutes total. Probably with 30 seconds High Intensity and 1 minute rest.

  3. Haha I figured, but that's still a lot. I try to do a minute at a time, and then rest and then try for a minute, but by the time I'm close to the 5 I'm already doing sets of 10 seconds. Slowly I'm getting better at it, I don't think I could do 30 minutes with 1 minute rest anytime soon.

  4. Jumping rope is hard unless you are a kid. :)
