Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Biggest Loser Night!

I am excited to watch The Biggest Loser tonight. I know there are many people in the health and fitness world that do not like this show but I for one love watching it.  There is just something about watching people strive to lose the weight and solve the emotional aspects that got them to that dark place that I think makes for a great show. I understand that its not realistic to be able to lose such large amounts of weight in such a short time and I understand that there are a lot of things going on behind the scenes that we will never see but I don't really care. People's lives are changing and they are helping to change the lives of many more people that are watching the show. For that, I applaud them.

My favorite contestant Adam has already been kicked off the show but I love what he had done outside of The Biggest Loser. He has gone into his local YMCA in Kansas and is helping to motivate others to lose weight and become healthy. To me, this is what the show is all about. Motivating others.

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