Saturday, August 6, 2011

Time for a Rewind

Last year around this time I was doing a little program called P90x and eating a strict primal diet.  I felt great, looked great, and my weight was the lowest it had ever been.  But for me, that wasn't enough. I started a search for a new program that would take me to the level of leaness that I so badly desired. The program that I found was Leangains and at the time I thought it was the best program I had ever heard of; cycle carbs, fast daily, lift heavy and enjoy all the foods I so badly loved and missed but only eat them on my heavy weight training days.  I remember having a conversation with my wife about the program and she thought I should reconsider and continue to stay on the strict Primal style that I had been so successful on.  But I thought Leangains was my missing golden ticket and I gave it a try. I wish I would have listened to her.

A few months passed on the program and I gained weight.  In desperation and because I thought it was my weight lifting routine, I searched for a new program and ran across Visual Impact. I started this weight lifting program but continued to eat Leangains style. Months later and still not getting the results I wanted, I stopped doing Visual Impact and started doing a reverse pyramid routine.  But I continued to eat Leangains style. The muscle was starting to pile on but so was that unwanted fat.

Now here I am a year later and I have gained 24lbs over my lowest weight.  Could some of it be muscle? Well I suppose so. After all, my clothes are still fitting although a little snug at times.  But I notice a significant layer of fat as well. Gone is the defined area of my stomach that I had last year.

There is no doubt in my mind that Leangains works. I just know that it hasn't work for me like I had hoped it would. My biggest issue with food is that if you give me an inch,  I will take a mile. Leangains gave me that inch. It allowed me to eat carbs after a workout. Lots of them. In my mind, this transformed into chips, rice, granola bars, etc.  Deep in my mind I knew that I shouldn't eat this stuff but I did anyway. After all muscle building needs carbs right!? I would gorge on lifting days and low carb on non-lifting days. This may work for some people but it does not work for me. I need to be strict or I fall off of the wagon way too easily. I would fall off of the wagon several times a week.

I am not happy with the way I look or feel. Therefore I am doing an intervention on myself. A rewind of sorts. Starting today I am back to 100% primal with one relaxed "cheat" day a week.  No more counting carbs, calories, or fat. I will just eat what is on the allowed foods list and go with that. On days that I lift, I may up the amount of carbs a bit but nothing crazy like I have been doing.

I will continue to lift using the Reverse Pyramid routine. I have been very happy with the muscle and strength I have received from that program. I am also going to add in some more heavy HIIT days.

My goal is to lose 25lbs in the next 2 months. It's an aggressive approach but obtainable if I stick to the plan.


  1. There is more to leangains that just intermittent fasting, eating whatever you want, and working out. What you eat has an impact on your results. From what you described, you were on a bulking diet which lets you gain the most muscle with minimum fat gain. Yes you will gain fat, but you'll gain less fat per lb of muscle than with other approaches. If your goal was to keep muscle and lose fat, then you'd need to adjust your food intake.

    Leangains worked for you, just the outcome of what you were doing was not matched with what you wanted. Right now I'm losing fat and gaining strength - on leangains. And likely eating nowhere near what you were.

  2. You are absolutely correct and I see that now. I was eating whatever I wanted on my lifting days all in the name of carb reloading.  I probably should have researched it a bit better before I jumped in feet first. 

    In the last few months, I have cut back considerably on my intake of food and macros and have noticed a gradual decrease in fat even though my strength continues to increase. My weight has stayed the same so I would probably classify it as a body recomp. 

    Each day I learn new things and hopefully one of these days it will all come together for me. 

    Thanks for your comments. They are much appreciated.

  3. I always enjoy reading about the progress and methods of others especially when they started at or they are around my height and build. You serve as extra motivation and living proof that I can accomplish my goals as well.

  4. Thanks for your comment. I am glad that I am able to help motivate others as that is the main goal of this site. I want others to learn from my successes and failures.
