Thursday, August 18, 2011

Time For Density

2 weeks ago I decided that I had reached the peak of my mass building objective.  My wife noticed a difference and so did I. However, we noticed it in two somewhat different areas. She commented that my shoulders, arms, and chest looked bigger. I noticed that as well but I also noticed a 25lb gain on the old scale. That scared me….alot.  So I decided that I didn’t want to gain anymore mass and instead, transition to a hardening/strength phase.  Something that is called Myofibrillar Hypertrophy.  My end goal to all of this is the Hollywood look: lean and muscular.

I decided that I want people to look at me and see someone that is in great shape. I don’t want them to look at me and see a guy that walks like he spends all of his time in the gym. That is the direction I feel like I was headed.

I have been on Phase II of Visual Impact for 2 weeks now and am really starting to notice a difference in not only my strength but also my muscle definition.   Along with the standard weight training outlined in the VI book, I am also doing the recommended 15 minutes of H.I.I.T cardio immediately following each weight session. The only thing I am not following in its entirety is the recommended 2on/1off schedule. I don’t have access to a gym on the weekends so I lift Monday/Tuesday and Thursday /Friday.

My diet really suffered the last year while I experimented with the Leangains approach.  I'd scour the internet for people that where doing Leangains and I would see the crap they would shovel into their mouths on their workout days and I assumed I could do the same thing.  However, I never saw the same ab ripping results that so many others achieved. I didn’t put on a lot of fat but I did put on a pretty decent layer over my muscle.  All my clothes still fit, just not as good as they once did.

So now I am back to living the Primal lifestyle outlined on and in the Primal Blueprint.  In the last 2 weeks, I am down 6lbs and my lifts have gone up every week. Something about this diet just works for me. I am starting to look good and I am feeling great.

The picture below is one that I took yesterday. Upon close inspection, I can really start to see the individual muscles popping in my shoulder and through my arms.  Now if I could get that same definition through my abdomen area,  I might start to really consider the dream I have of competing on stage.


Here is my starting lift weight as of 2 weeks ago. At the end of the 2 month Phase II program I will be posting my end lift weight.


  1. Thanks! I just needed to real my diet back in a little bit. Cut the crap and processed foods back out.

  2. Looking good Tyson! Glad to see things are moving in the right direction for you

  3. Thanks. I just hope they continue to go the right way. I am on track though.
