Friday, April 22, 2011

Issues With the Scale

I really hate the scale. Actually let me rephrase that. I really hate what the scales shows me.  I have never been a big fan of scales (as noticeable in this post) but I have been involved in a couple of fitness competitions at work and with friends so weighing in has been a requirement.

Why I Hate Scales

I hate scales because my weight can fluctuate so much from week to week that I don't really believe it can be an accurate representation of my weight loss. I have always felt that how my clothes fit and how I look in the mirror better represents my journey.

Current Issues

Currently, though, my weight has been increasing. In fact, the scale says I am up 15lbs since this time last year. 15lbs!  I have gained 5lbs in the last 2 weeks alone. What is really perplexing to me, however, is that my pants still fit like they always have and my appearance in the mirror doesn't look like it should for a 15lb weight gain. But I am pretty sure that I have not put on 15lbs of muscle either so I am really confused.

This Week

The scale said I gained 2.5lbs this last week. Here is the breakdown of what I did and the macronutrients that I consumed. Maybe someone else can see where I might have gone wrong.

Friday - Weighed in at 182. HIT with weights

  • 2300 calories

  • 23g/fat

  • 180g/protein

  • 338g/carb

Saturday - P90x Plyo
Sunday - Off

  • 3000 calories

  • 182g/fat

  • 177g/protein

  • 168g/carb

Monday - 24 hour fast along with a 3 mile walk while in a fasted state.
End of fast meal

  • 790 calories

  • 28g/fat

  • 78g/protein

  • 67g/carb

Tuesday - HIT with weights

  • 2663 calories

  • 110g/fat

  • 218g/protein

  • 203g/carb

Wednesday - 1 hour intense racquetball play

  • 2600 calories

  • 157g/fat

  • 200g/protein

  • 100g/carb

Thursday - Off

  • 1600 calories

  • 75g/fat

  • 120g/protein

  • 128g/carb

Friday - weighed in at 184.4

There you have it. I have been trying to keep my carbs a little higher on my weight training days but overall I don't think my diet was worth of a 2.4lb weight gain. Do you?


  1. Seems like water weight to me. 1850 on average for a pretty active guy of your size, should lead to fat loss, actually. Not significant but a bit. Especially since you've been increasing your carbs. Go with the mirror and maybe a measuring tape. Much better representation. I am now at my "fat weight" (aka the weight I was when I was fat) and my body composition is so different it's laughable. The scale is a nice guide when you have 30 pounds to lose. Once you get lower and you're looking at like 5 pounds of fat to lose, tiny fluctuations in water weight, fed/fasted state, sleep etc all add up to a blurry image of your progress...

  2. Thanks for the comment. It's entirely possible that its water weight. What has me the most frustrated is the weight that I was at last year is 15lbs less but I was also working out 6 days a week. That is no life to live especially with a new baby at home. I have decreased the number of days I workout a bit and the weight seemed to pile on. I really dont want to go back to working out 6 days a week but am starting to wonder if I really have a choice?
