Thursday, December 4, 2008

Battling the Aftermath of the Flu

I am still feeling the after effects of the flu from 2 weeks ago. I finally went to the Doctor this afternoon and turns out that I have a sinus infection.  They gave me some medicine and I hope to be 100% better in a few days. Why am I telling everyone this?  I am hoping that once I feel better, I can get into this fitness blogging big time. My goal is to create some video's of different exercises as well as some pretty cool fitness articles. I just don't feel like doing much right now. So please don't lose faith in me. It will get better from here on out. Promise!

On a bright note; I did manage to get a workout in today. Biceps and Triceps. The Black Powder definitely overcomes the effects of this sinus infection.  My arms are still pretty sore.

On a sour note; when I went to the Doctor office today, I weighed in at 190lbs.  That is about 10 pounds over what I thought I would be. I did have on some heavy shoes and clothes but still seems really high.  Might have to reevaluate my diet and cardio program.  I got a wedding to get ready for!

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