Monday, November 21, 2011

Thanksgiving Challenge


Today starts Day 1 of my 2800 push up challenge. Each day for the next 7 days, I am going to attempt do 100 more push ups than the day before. So today I am going to do 100, tomorrow 200, Wednesday 300 and so on and so forth until Sunday when I need to be able to complete 700.  It doesn't matter if I do 10 sets of 10 or 100 sets of 1 as long as at the end of the day, I have hit my goal.

As an added bonus to myself, I am going to do some mini-challenges as well. For example, today I am going to do 100 pull-ups. Tomorrow might be 100 body squats or 100 burpees.

There are two reasons I am doing this challenge. First and foremost, Thursday is Thanksgiving and I want to be able to enjoy all the wonderful food that will be prepared. Secondly, I will not have access to my companies corporate gym so weight lifting is out.

So there you have it. My official challenge is out there. If you follow me, you can see my updates. If not, then check back here early next week to find out if I completed it.

If you feel like joining in on the challenge, feel free to do so either anonymously or in the comments below.

Have a great Thanksgiving everyone!

 ***** UPDATE *****

Recently I was asked if I completed this challenge. didn't work out quite as I had hoped. I managed to get through the day after Thanksgiving but them my wrist started to get quite sore and I stopped. I think I managed 1500 over the course of 5 days.


  1. Wow! That's quite a challenge. I can see myself doing 200 pushups but more are hard to envision. I do have a problem with the pull ups, I can't seem to do 100 push ups and 100 pull ups in one workout session. Push ups are easy, pull ups not so much. Need to work on strengthening the back.

    This week I'll do my regular workout and then enjoy 5 days of eating and resting. Good luck, and I'll be sure to check out next week to see how you did.

  2. It didn't work out quite as I had hoped. I managed to get through the day after Thanksgiving but them my wrist started to get quite sore and I stopped. I think I managed 1500 over the course of 5 days.

  3. Wow. Is that the most you have done in a week? Sorry to hear it didn't work out as you hoped

  4. Yeah. Most I have ever done in a week. :)
