Friday, December 10, 2010

Workout Logs and Why You Should Have One

I am a huge proponent of workout logs and I always have been.  In fact, you will hardly ever find me at the gym without a workout log of some sort in tow.  There are several reasons why you should adopt a workout log. Here are just a few.

  1. Increase efficiency - Everyone should go into the gym prepared. If your idea of working out is walking around and hopping onto whatever piece of equipment is available, then you are not going to get the type of results you are looking for. Go in with a workout plan written down and follow it. It will help you reach your goals faster and also help you get in and out of the gym that much faster.

  2. Keep's you honest - If you write down everything you do, then there is no second guessing yourself. You won't find yourself cheating on a set because you don't "remember" the last weight you used.

  3. Motivation - It's a very satisfying feeling to look at a log and see the progress right there in front of you. Whether it’s weight loss or strength gains; seeing it on paper will add some realism to what you are doing and make it that much more meaningful.

  4. Obtain your goals – Let’s be honest. We all go to the gym because we want to achieve something.  But if you don’t keep track of your progress, how are you ever going to know that you reached your goals. Right your goals down in your workout log and then track your progress to it.

I have gone through many workout logs over the years. I have used everything from a notebook to a professional workout log that I purchased (and hated).  But the benefit of using so many different forms of tracking is that I know what I wanted from a workout log. I combined all of those features into a simple but effective sheet. I designed it to fit onto one of those small half sized clipboards. The small form factor allows it to easily fit into a duffel bag and its small enough not to take up a lot of room on the gym floor. They are cheap and easy to find (I bought mine at Wal-mart for 3 bucks). I put 2 logs on 1 sheet as to help save money on paper as well (because that’s the way I roll)

Below is a sample log that I filled out with some simple sample data. The key in that last sentence is “sample”. That was not a real workout so please don’t judge me based on it! :)

I have also provided a download link below should anyone want to adopt these workout logs for their own personal use. Enjoy and happy tracking!

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