Friday, May 6, 2011

HIT Progress Pictures - May 2011

I took some progress photo's yesterday. Nothing special but I can see an increase in size in both my arms and shoulders. My waist still appears to be the same size. I have not measured it but my clothes are still fitting good (if not a little loose).  My weight has stayed the same from last week but I attribute that to the intense workout I put in yesterday.

Today I am going low-carb and low calorie. The weekend is coming up and we are traveling. I hope that I can maintain some sort of dignity in eating.


  1. Arms look amazing! If you were to check your BF I'm willing to bet it went down, considering how the waist size has not changed and your arms have grown hehe. Keep up the good work

  2. That last comment was me. Screwed up when logging in. Good job!

  3. Ha! I am sure my bodyfat has gone down as well but I am a bit afraid to check it. I would rather just "assume" it has gone down. :)

  4. Looking great, dude! Arms and shoulders are HUGE. Keep it up!
