Monday, November 21, 2011

Thanksgiving Challenge


Today starts Day 1 of my 2800 push up challenge. Each day for the next 7 days, I am going to attempt do 100 more push ups than the day before. So today I am going to do 100, tomorrow 200, Wednesday 300 and so on and so forth until Sunday when I need to be able to complete 700.  It doesn't matter if I do 10 sets of 10 or 100 sets of 1 as long as at the end of the day, I have hit my goal.

As an added bonus to myself, I am going to do some mini-challenges as well. For example, today I am going to do 100 pull-ups. Tomorrow might be 100 body squats or 100 burpees.

There are two reasons I am doing this challenge. First and foremost, Thursday is Thanksgiving and I want to be able to enjoy all the wonderful food that will be prepared. Secondly, I will not have access to my companies corporate gym so weight lifting is out.

So there you have it. My official challenge is out there. If you follow me, you can see my updates. If not, then check back here early next week to find out if I completed it.

If you feel like joining in on the challenge, feel free to do so either anonymously or in the comments below.

Have a great Thanksgiving everyone!

 ***** UPDATE *****

Recently I was asked if I completed this challenge. didn't work out quite as I had hoped. I managed to get through the day after Thanksgiving but them my wrist started to get quite sore and I stopped. I think I managed 1500 over the course of 5 days.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Power Lunch - 11/11/11

Just polished off the rest of my power lunch.  This lunch follows a 17 hour leangains type fast and a heavy squat, pullup, bicep day. Here is what I ate (in no particular order)

  • Chocolate covered donut

  • Chocolate chip cookie dough pop-tart (2)

  • 2 potatoes

  • 12oz of chicken breast

  • 1/2 cup of mozzarella cheese

  • 5T of ketchup (give or take)

  • 1/3 cup Ocean Spray Craisins

I think that is about it.  I have a protein shake in my lunch box for later and then I will chow down on a small protein enriched salad tonight. Should be epic.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Manly Lifting Stats

According to Martin Berkhan, as an advanced lifter I should be able to do the following lifts:

  •  Bench press: body weight x 1.5 = 285lbs

  •  Chin-ups or pull-ups: body weight x 1.5 = 285lbs

  •  Squat: body weight x 2 = 360lbs

  •  Deadlift: body weight x 2.5 = 475lbs

These are all for a 1RM

Even though I cannot do these amounts (yet) I still consider myself advanced because I have been lifting for so long. I have been lifting incorrectly but that is a whole other post.

As of right now, here are my starting stats. They are not my 1RM but rather my starting set of my reverse pyramid sets.

My stats:

  •  Current weight of 190

  •  Bench press = 205x8

  •  Pull-ups = 235x6

  •  Chin-Ups = 245x5

  •  Squat = 275x4

  •  Deadlift = 225x6

  •  Standing Military Press = 95x6 (threw this one in on my own)

Here is how far I am away from hitting those goals

  • Bench = 80lbs

  • Pull-ups = 40lbs

  • Chin-ups = 10lbs

  • Squat = 85lbs

  • Deadlift = 250lbs

As you can see, with the exception of deadlifts I am not that far from hitting my goals. My goal is to hit all of them within 6 months.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Carb Nite Wrap Up

I officially finished my carb nite protocol experiment last Friday, 2 days short of a month.  My overall experience with the protocol was mediocre at best.  I stuck to the plan 100% but overall lost nearly no weight. My appearance did seem to change a bit which makes me think I was doing more of a body re-composition than weight loss.  But that wasnt my goal. My goal was weight loss, pure and simple.

I chose to end it on Friday because that was the day I did my weigh out for my company's weight loss competition. Leading up to that day, I did a water cut in which I drank 2 gallons of water a day starting on Monday and continuing that through Thursday at noon. Then I cut the water off completely until my weigh in Friday at noon. Over the week, I dropped 9lbs of water weight which put me 2lbs below my starting weight 1 year ago.

I mention the water cut because I was hoping that, it, combined with the carb nite protocol would have helped me cut about 15lbs in that last month.  Heck, I even stopped lifting serious amount of weights in order to cut weight. Nothing seemed to work.

I think the carb nite protocol might work great for someone that's quite overweight and wants to lose weight fast. But for someone like me who has at best 10lbs of excess fat, it might not have been the best way to go. I am starting to get frustrated with my quest to be a lean mean fighting machine.


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Reverse Pyramid Setup

Spent a few days tweaking this and I think its just about ready. I am pondering this setup for my new “Reverse Pyramid” scheme.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Got Sick?

The day after my Carb Nite feast, I started to not feel well. Then it hit me. Tuesday night, I awoke with a fever so I decided to stay home from work and skip that days workout. Two four hour naps later and I started to feel a bit better. Today I was back at the gym doing a nice short but high intensity shoulder and arm workout. In and out in 30 minutes. Now that's the way to get stuff done!

My diet has continued to be spot on and I am learning the tips and tricks to get well below 30 grams of carbs a day without feeling like I am sacrificing anything.

On the downside, the weight on the scale has crept back up to 187.2. That is up from the 186 that I weighed in at a few days ago. I am starting to think that even though my carb count is low, my calorie count might be a bit too high. I was continueling hitting over 2000 calories a day with some days being at 2500. That is causing my body to go into a re-composition state rather than a weight loss state. A recomp state isnt a bad thing though. I am effectively replacing body fat with muscle. I know this to be true because I can see it in the mirror and I can feel it in my clothes. But for the sake of this weight loss competition, I really need to lose weight.

Therefore, today is going to be my last weight training day for about a week and a half. Next week I am going to concentrate on some intermittent fasting combined with some low levels of cardio. The days leading up to the official weigh out will see me doing some excessive water drinking combined with a quick taper at the end. I am also planning on switching up my diet with some low sodium, high protein meats with only low to moderate levels of fats. could be interesting!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Carb Nite Progress – Day 12

I am roughly 30 minutes away from starting my carb refeed on the Carb Nite protocol and I thought I would give an overview of what has transpired since my last post update at Day 5. (just a note. The original article stated to do a refeed at day 10 but that for me was on a Saturday and not a workout day. Therefore, I decided to push it a couple of extra days until today when I do a great chest and back workout)

NutritionI have continued to be low carb with my max intake being right around 30/grams a day.  Calories continue to remain around 2000 but I have gone as far as 2500. Fat intake has been around 100-150 and protein has been around 150-200.  Below is a typical eating day for me.


  • 4 egg omelet

  • diced ham

  • shredded bacon

  • 2T of salsa

  • 2T of sour cream

  • 1/4C of cheese

  • Coffee with 1T of creamer


  • 2 cups of spinach

  • some type of meat (tuna, stew beef, hamburger, chicken)

  • 2T of Caesar dressing.

  • 1/4c cheese

  • 2T of shredded bacon


  • 2 scoops of protein powder

  • 1/2C coconut milk


  • 2 cups of spinach

  • some type of meat (tuna, stew beef, hamburger, chicken)

  • 2T of Caesar dressing.

  • 1/4c cheese

  • 2T of shredded bacon

I have also done a few 16/24 hour fasts to help supplement my days.


My lifting workouts currently consist of P90x Phase I. I am doing the M-W-F workouts and have done 1 day of plyometrics.  I continue to take walks with my family and have done some light shooting around at the basketball courts. I also did one 40 minute session on the exercise bike. I am trying to keep the cardio limited because 1) I hate cardio and 2) the original article stated that weight loss could be obtained even without exercise. I will not give up my weight lifting though.

Up until today, my workouts have been intense and my energy levels have been high. Today, though, my energy level was down and my enthusiasm to be there was low. I also noticed a decrease in the amount of reps I could perform on certain exercises. I left the gym feeling run down. I should point out that I entered the workout on a 16 hour fast but this is something I have done many times before with great results and high energy levels.


My weight was stuck at exactly 187.8 for about a week into this test. As of this morning though, I officially dropped to 186.  I do have a sneaking suspicion that some of that could be water weight though.   My wife has continued to notice an increase in muscle definition and I swear I saw my upper abs in the mirror yesterday.

Day to Day Operations

My day to day life pretty much stayed the same. My energy levels were always high and my sleep at night was always good. I never lost focus on the tasks at hand and I never felt hungry or like I was being deprived of anything. In fact, as time went on, my cravings for carbs diminished to the point where I wasn't really looking forward to tonight's refeed.

One thing I noticed was my recovery time from workouts. I constantly was feeling sore. It seemed like I could never recover from a workout and I always felt like I pulled something.

**Post Refeed Update**

I more than likely I officially done with my refeed for the night. At least I had better be. I cannot imagine eating any more carbs this evening. I feel sick to my stomach. My head aches, my body aches, I have zero energy, and all I want to do is go to bed.  What's crazy is that I didn't have anything that I would consider out of the ordinary from a "normal" persons day. Over the course of 3 hours, I ate a few sandwiches, some rice cakes, a few cookies, a few handfuls of candy corn, and a latte. Compared to what I normally eat in a day calorie wise, that is nothing. It's just what is in that food that is really getting to me right now. This had all better be worth it in the end. One would think that a free pass to eat whatever you wanted would be awesome.  Let me tell you...that is not the case right now.  Once you have cleaned up your diet, doing these refeeds suck big time.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Carb Nite Progress - Day 5

I am just about to finish up Day 5 of the Carb Nite protocol outlined in my last post and I thought I would give a bit of an update on how things are going.

For the first few days I suffered a bit of a stomach ache. I don't know if it was caused directly by the reduction in carbs or if it was something else entirely but it has since gone away and not returned. The second thing to happen in the last 5 days is a few canker sores in my mouth. It's been quite a while since I have had any of those. My energy levels have been great and any excessive hunger has been at bay. My carb intake has been at or below 30 grams for the last 5 days with no cheats. My protein intake has been around 150 grams and my fat intake has been around 120 grams. My calories have been close to 2000.

My food choices have been pretty consistent.  I eat a 4 egg omelet every morning with all natural bacon bits, diced ham, small amount of cheese, and some salsa. It comes out to about 10/grams of carbs. My lunch is either some sort of slow cooked beef or chicken on a bed of spinach with some olive oil and Caesar dressing.  Supper time is usually something quite similar.  This week I am going to introduce some protein shakes with either coconut milk, almond milk, or water. On occasion, I will take a tablespoon of crunchy peanut butter.

At Day 2 I weighed myself and was down about a pound. I have not weighed myself since then. Visually I can see that I have tightened up quite a bit. I am seeing more definition in my stomach, shoulders, and arms.  My wife has even commented that my face appears to have thinned out a bit.

So there you have it. I am at Day 5 and am suppose to take it to Day 10 although that would land on a Saturday for me. So instead I am either going to take it to Day 9 or Day 12, both of which are heavy lifting days.

I am already planning my carb nite refeed. It could be epic!


Friday, September 16, 2011

Carb Night Protocol

I am not a guy that follows workout programs outlined in fitness magazines. I also rarely pay much attention to the articles on nutrition. The latest Men's Health magazine has changed that a bit for me though. This months article entitled CARBS ARE NOT THE ENEMY written by John Kiefer of really grabbed my attention.  At first glance you see a fork full of spaghetti and you automatically think this is another article on how great carbs are and how everyone should be eating more of them. But it's not like that at all.

There are two carb protocols outlined in this article: one called Carb Nite and one called Carb Back-Loading. For the sake of this post, I am going to focus on my interest in Carb Nite.  Once my goals are achieved, I may look deeper into Carb Back-Loading.

What really caught my attention on the Carb Nite protocol was that it most closely resembled what I am already trying to do;  lose fat while retaining muscle mass. It just stepped up the game a little bit and gave me something more specific to follow.

It's also pretty simple to grasp. Some call it a refeed, John calls it Carb Nite. Go low carb (less than 30grams/day) for 10 days. On the 10th day make it a carb night eating pretty much whatever the heck you want. Just do it after 5pm. The next day start over with the low carb but shorten the duration. That is pretty much what I was doing before except that I was going higher carb on my workout days (100-150grams).  I am going to test John's method and see if it cannot help me to achieve some fat loss in time for this contest I involved in at work.

Day 1

Day 1 went pretty well. I calculated that I finished just a little bit above 30grams. Going that low was harder than I thought it would be. Who knew that onions and peppers had that many carbs in them!  Side effects were at a minimum. I had good energy all day. The only noticeable change to my day was a stomach ache that I attribute to some milk I had the night before. So far I am on day 2 and doing well. I should come in well below my 30grams.

Visual Inspection

I don't see a noticeable difference yet since its only been one day. I will say that doing my own version of this the last 2 weeks has brought some positive changes to my stomach area.  The little bump that was right below my belly button has now flattened out. I can only hope that my upper abs will start showing themselves within the next week.  My initial weigh in for this ten day challenge is 188.6lbs

Stick around over the next ten to see what happens.

P.S. Check out John's site over at  I checked it out when researching his stuff and he clearly knows fitness. I left very impressed.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Quick Change

In my last post I know I stated that I was going to do the second phase of Visual Impact and then post my results. Well things have changed a little bit. As also previously posted, I am in a weight loss challenge at the company in which I work.   The top 30 teams will win an extra weeks vacation.  To make matters worse, I am the team captain.  To add to the fire, I have put on some weight since my initial weigh in. This combination of things has put quite a bit of pressure on me to put up a weight loss number.

The combination of reverse pyramids and Visual Impact had me putting on a solid bit of muscle. More muscle than I ever had before. The has caused my weight to increase. Normally I wouldn't care but this contest means a lot to my teammates and I do not want to be the one to gain weight.

So with that said, I am somewhat sorrowful to announce that I am doing the first phase of P90x and am currently on week 1. I am doing P90x because it's a quick and proven system for me that I know works. Even though I don't care for the 6 days a week workouts, I only have to do it for the next 30 days and then I am done with the contest. After that I am going to go back to either reverse pyramids or Visual Impact and cut my workouts down to 2-3 days a week with a mix of sprints and clean eating. At that time, I will again be posting more progress stats and I will stop stepping on that darn scale!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Time For Density

2 weeks ago I decided that I had reached the peak of my mass building objective.  My wife noticed a difference and so did I. However, we noticed it in two somewhat different areas. She commented that my shoulders, arms, and chest looked bigger. I noticed that as well but I also noticed a 25lb gain on the old scale. That scared me….alot.  So I decided that I didn’t want to gain anymore mass and instead, transition to a hardening/strength phase.  Something that is called Myofibrillar Hypertrophy.  My end goal to all of this is the Hollywood look: lean and muscular.

I decided that I want people to look at me and see someone that is in great shape. I don’t want them to look at me and see a guy that walks like he spends all of his time in the gym. That is the direction I feel like I was headed.

I have been on Phase II of Visual Impact for 2 weeks now and am really starting to notice a difference in not only my strength but also my muscle definition.   Along with the standard weight training outlined in the VI book, I am also doing the recommended 15 minutes of H.I.I.T cardio immediately following each weight session. The only thing I am not following in its entirety is the recommended 2on/1off schedule. I don’t have access to a gym on the weekends so I lift Monday/Tuesday and Thursday /Friday.

My diet really suffered the last year while I experimented with the Leangains approach.  I'd scour the internet for people that where doing Leangains and I would see the crap they would shovel into their mouths on their workout days and I assumed I could do the same thing.  However, I never saw the same ab ripping results that so many others achieved. I didn’t put on a lot of fat but I did put on a pretty decent layer over my muscle.  All my clothes still fit, just not as good as they once did.

So now I am back to living the Primal lifestyle outlined on and in the Primal Blueprint.  In the last 2 weeks, I am down 6lbs and my lifts have gone up every week. Something about this diet just works for me. I am starting to look good and I am feeling great.

The picture below is one that I took yesterday. Upon close inspection, I can really start to see the individual muscles popping in my shoulder and through my arms.  Now if I could get that same definition through my abdomen area,  I might start to really consider the dream I have of competing on stage.


Here is my starting lift weight as of 2 weeks ago. At the end of the 2 month Phase II program I will be posting my end lift weight.

Protein Muffin Recipe

I was messing around last night trying to find a quick and easy protein muffin recipe to make.  I came up with what you see below. Doesn't get much easier than this!

Protein Muffin

Protein Muffin

Simple and Easy Protein Muffin

1 serving of protein powder
1 egg
1 tsp cinnamon
misc fruits or nuts (your choice)
splash of almond milk, regular milk, or water

Mix all ingredients together.  You want to add just enough liquid to get a brownie batter-like consistency.  Pour into small microwavable muffin dishes or bowls. The smaller the better. Cook for 30-60 seconds or until done.

Preparation time: 1 minute(s)

Cooking time: 1 minute(s)

Number of servings (yield): 2

4 :  ★★★★☆ 1 review(s)


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Time for a Rewind

Last year around this time I was doing a little program called P90x and eating a strict primal diet.  I felt great, looked great, and my weight was the lowest it had ever been.  But for me, that wasn't enough. I started a search for a new program that would take me to the level of leaness that I so badly desired. The program that I found was Leangains and at the time I thought it was the best program I had ever heard of; cycle carbs, fast daily, lift heavy and enjoy all the foods I so badly loved and missed but only eat them on my heavy weight training days.  I remember having a conversation with my wife about the program and she thought I should reconsider and continue to stay on the strict Primal style that I had been so successful on.  But I thought Leangains was my missing golden ticket and I gave it a try. I wish I would have listened to her.

A few months passed on the program and I gained weight.  In desperation and because I thought it was my weight lifting routine, I searched for a new program and ran across Visual Impact. I started this weight lifting program but continued to eat Leangains style. Months later and still not getting the results I wanted, I stopped doing Visual Impact and started doing a reverse pyramid routine.  But I continued to eat Leangains style. The muscle was starting to pile on but so was that unwanted fat.

Now here I am a year later and I have gained 24lbs over my lowest weight.  Could some of it be muscle? Well I suppose so. After all, my clothes are still fitting although a little snug at times.  But I notice a significant layer of fat as well. Gone is the defined area of my stomach that I had last year.

There is no doubt in my mind that Leangains works. I just know that it hasn't work for me like I had hoped it would. My biggest issue with food is that if you give me an inch,  I will take a mile. Leangains gave me that inch. It allowed me to eat carbs after a workout. Lots of them. In my mind, this transformed into chips, rice, granola bars, etc.  Deep in my mind I knew that I shouldn't eat this stuff but I did anyway. After all muscle building needs carbs right!? I would gorge on lifting days and low carb on non-lifting days. This may work for some people but it does not work for me. I need to be strict or I fall off of the wagon way too easily. I would fall off of the wagon several times a week.

I am not happy with the way I look or feel. Therefore I am doing an intervention on myself. A rewind of sorts. Starting today I am back to 100% primal with one relaxed "cheat" day a week.  No more counting carbs, calories, or fat. I will just eat what is on the allowed foods list and go with that. On days that I lift, I may up the amount of carbs a bit but nothing crazy like I have been doing.

I will continue to lift using the Reverse Pyramid routine. I have been very happy with the muscle and strength I have received from that program. I am also going to add in some more heavy HIIT days.

My goal is to lose 25lbs in the next 2 months. It's an aggressive approach but obtainable if I stick to the plan.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Warrior Dash Training - Take 1

I got up super early this morning to attempt my first official (by my standards) Warrior Dash training. Since the race is on July 30th, I figured I better get my butt into gear and get out and train. So I did. 45 minutes later, I came back to the house dripping in sweat, exhausted, but feeling fulfilled. Here is what I did.

  • 2 mile warm up run

  • 3 - 50 yard sprints

  • 4 times "walking"  from one end of a soccer goal to another while hanging from hands

  • 2 - 25 picnic table bench jumps

  • 1 mile run home

There you have it.  My first official Warrior Dash training is in the books. What did you think?

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Video-Burzynski: Cancer Is Serious Business

I know its been awhile since I have posted. Truth is I have not been up to much. Still going to the gym. Still enjoying life with my new infant son and daughters.  Love life with my wife.  This post probably would not have happened had it not been for the extraordinary video that I watched yesterday.  In a very high level overview, it talks about how the government is trying to prevent the release of cancer curing medicine in the name of corporate profit.  That is what I got out of it at least. Take a look and see for yourself.


Burzynski: Cancer Is Serious Business from BurzynskiMovie on Vimeo.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Staying Strong

I often get questions about my workouts and nutrition choices. Why do I workout? Why do I keep myself so healthy? What's the point?  This weekend an event happened that will hopefully shed some light on those questions and whatever else someone might have.

Saturday night my wife received a phone call from her Mom letting us know that we were in a tornado warning. For those that don't know, a warning means that a tornado has been sited and everyone should take cover. So that was what we started to do. My wife grabbed our 3 month old son out of his crib and I ran into the girl's room to wake them up and get them downstairs.  Both my girls can be very sound sleepers and trying to get them up and going was not an easy task. I worked on my oldest (9) first.  After some coaxing, she finally woke up and headed downstairs where my wife was waiting.  My youngest daughter (7) was a different story. I could not wake her for anything so I finally reached over the guard rail on their bunk-bed and proceeded to lift her up and over and carry her downstairs.

It's times like this, that make working out worth it. I hate to think what might have happened if I was not able to lift her up and get her downstairs.

To wrap up the story, we huddled in our half bath downstairs until we received the all clear.  No tornado's went through our area but surrounding areas got hit pretty hard that night and again yesterday.

My thoughts and prayers go out to those affected.

Friday, May 6, 2011

HIT Progress Pictures - May 2011

I took some progress photo's yesterday. Nothing special but I can see an increase in size in both my arms and shoulders. My waist still appears to be the same size. I have not measured it but my clothes are still fitting good (if not a little loose).  My weight has stayed the same from last week but I attribute that to the intense workout I put in yesterday.

Today I am going low-carb and low calorie. The weekend is coming up and we are traveling. I hope that I can maintain some sort of dignity in eating.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Reverse Pyramid HIT

On Friday I decided to switch up my usual (one set to failure) HIT workout with a technique called Reverse Pyramid's that I had been reading about on  I headed to the gym with the same exercises planned that I was going to do before,  but now I was going to do them Reverse Pyramid style.

What is Reverse Pyramid?

One of the most conventional types of lifting is the pyramid. Most of the guys you see at the gym are going to be doing this. You start out with a light weight and lift it for about 12 reps. You then add weight to the stack and pump out 10 reps. Add a little bit more weight and do 8 reps. The last set is usually the hardest and peaks out around 6 reps.

The reverse pyramid is the complete opposite. Your first set should be your hardest and you should complete somewhere in the neighborhood of 6-8 reps to failure. From there you would actually decrease weight by about 10% and pump out 10 reps. Decrease the weight by another 10% and pump out 12 reps.  That's it. You are done and you can move onto the next exercise. The idea is that you should be lifting the hardest weight in the beginning while your muscles are still fresh. Not at the end where you are already fatigued.

So I set out to the gym to do just that. Reverse Pyramid. My intent was to do Chest and Back. Same exercises I have done the last few weeks but with a little bit different of an approach.


  • Incline Press

  • Fly's

  • Push-Ups


  • Dumbbell pullover with one arm

  • Bent Over Rows

  • Pull-Ups

It was a little hard at first to try to pick a weight that I knew I could only lift 6-8 times. After a bit of trial and error I got it though. I went through my usual routine and felt fantastic afterwards. And by fantastic I mean that I was shaking and felt like I was going to vomit. I left the gym and headed back to the office completely worn out but thrilled with this new type of workout.

Fast forward to Saturday morning. I wake up with the intent that I am going to go do some sprints at the park. It didn't happen. My chest and back where so sore from the workout that I could barely move.  Sprints postponed.

Fast forward to Sunday morning. I wake up with the intent that I am going to go do some sprints at the park. It again didn't happen. Although not as sore as I was on Saturday, I was still feeling the effects of Friday's workout. The sprints will have to wait until tomorrow.

I am going to play around with this technique a bit more in the coming weeks and see if there is anything to it or it my soreness was a fluke. I figure if it works for Martin at leangains along with all of his clients, it might work for me as well.


Friday, April 29, 2011

Dairy Hates Me

I have a love/hate relationship with dairy.

I love it but it hates me.

At least I think it does.

It seems that every time I eat cheese or protein powder, I get really bloated and gassy. (TMI I know). A few months ago I did a Whole30 challenge and gave up dairy completely and felt great. No pressure. No gas. After the challenge was over I slowly started to add the protein powder and cheese back and slowly the bloating returned. I know its the dairy but its just too hard to give up!

For awhile I bought some low lactose protein powder and it seemed to help. I have also thought about getting egg protein instead but like the low lactose version, its a bit pricey. Some might say to give up the protein powder but when you need that quick fix of protein, nothing fits the bill quite like a protein shake. Plus I make the best smoothies with my protein powder!

This post is random and has no true direction. It's Friday and I don't care. Have a great weekend everyone! I will try and stay away from the dairy this weekend!


Friday, April 22, 2011

Issues With the Scale

I really hate the scale. Actually let me rephrase that. I really hate what the scales shows me.  I have never been a big fan of scales (as noticeable in this post) but I have been involved in a couple of fitness competitions at work and with friends so weighing in has been a requirement.

Why I Hate Scales

I hate scales because my weight can fluctuate so much from week to week that I don't really believe it can be an accurate representation of my weight loss. I have always felt that how my clothes fit and how I look in the mirror better represents my journey.

Current Issues

Currently, though, my weight has been increasing. In fact, the scale says I am up 15lbs since this time last year. 15lbs!  I have gained 5lbs in the last 2 weeks alone. What is really perplexing to me, however, is that my pants still fit like they always have and my appearance in the mirror doesn't look like it should for a 15lb weight gain. But I am pretty sure that I have not put on 15lbs of muscle either so I am really confused.

This Week

The scale said I gained 2.5lbs this last week. Here is the breakdown of what I did and the macronutrients that I consumed. Maybe someone else can see where I might have gone wrong.

Friday - Weighed in at 182. HIT with weights

  • 2300 calories

  • 23g/fat

  • 180g/protein

  • 338g/carb

Saturday - P90x Plyo
Sunday - Off

  • 3000 calories

  • 182g/fat

  • 177g/protein

  • 168g/carb

Monday - 24 hour fast along with a 3 mile walk while in a fasted state.
End of fast meal

  • 790 calories

  • 28g/fat

  • 78g/protein

  • 67g/carb

Tuesday - HIT with weights

  • 2663 calories

  • 110g/fat

  • 218g/protein

  • 203g/carb

Wednesday - 1 hour intense racquetball play

  • 2600 calories

  • 157g/fat

  • 200g/protein

  • 100g/carb

Thursday - Off

  • 1600 calories

  • 75g/fat

  • 120g/protein

  • 128g/carb

Friday - weighed in at 184.4

There you have it. I have been trying to keep my carbs a little higher on my weight training days but overall I don't think my diet was worth of a 2.4lb weight gain. Do you?

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Down But Not Out

I haven't been feeling the best the last few days. I am not sure if its allergies, a cold, stress, lack of sleep or all of the above. Last night my wife took on all baby duties and allowed me to go to sleep early and get a good nights rest under my belt. I am feeling a bit better today but still not at 100%.  I am suppose to have a workout tomorrow but I may forgo that and allow my body to completely recover.  After all, with Easter just a mere 3 days away, I really don't want to continue to be sick.

I am currently working on a new workout program called HIT. I am hoping this program will allow me to have more time outside of the gym doing things that really matter. Like hanging out with my family and friends.  Spending 5 days a week in the gym gets to be a bit much and I have been doing it week after week for almost 6 years now. I am ready for a change. I just hope that HIT will give me the change I need but still allow some growth.  Time will tell.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I'm Back!

Where have I been?  Around.

It’s been a week since I have posted anything and for that I am sorry. Things have been pretty crazy around my house the last week. My wife's high school dance team was getting ready to put on their annual spring show and most of her free time was dedicated to preparing for that. That meant that kid and baby duty were my sole responsibility.  After everyone was in bed, I just didn’t have the energy to get online and put together a half-ass post. So now it’s a week later and I have no problem putting up something half-ass. :)

Things aren't going so well in the weight loss area. Last Friday I weighed in for a few contests that I am in and I ended up putting a few pounds back on. I am now officially over 180lbs.  Looking back I am not 100% sure where I went wrong. I continue to do cardio, eat well, and lift.  If I could place blame anywhere, I think it might be that I am not eating enough.

Looking back at my logs, I am probably only consuming about 1500 calories a day. I figure my maintenance level is probably somewhere a little North of 2500. Going low calorie for a few days isn’t bad but doing so continuously isn’t good. I think that is where my weight gain has come from.

Could it be that my body is storing fat in anticipation of not getting enough food?

This week I have increased my calories a bit and am now hovering around 2100/kcal's a day. Friday will be the true test to see if that approach has worked.

BTW - Weight loss contests are the worst thing to do if you only have a small amount of weight to lose (less than 10lbs). You will get judged for anything that was gained even though to gain can be quite normal in these circumstances. If you fit this bill and someone asks you to join a contest, you would be best to say now. Just my 2 cents.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Program Jumping

Admitting you have a problem is usually the first step towards recovery. I hope that is true because I am about to admit something big.

I have a problem sticking with a workout program for any extended period of time. Phew! I said it.


I don't feel any different.


If you are new to this blog, you may not have a real good understanding of what I am talking about so let me enlighten you a bit. In the past year I have done P90x, Primal eating, Visual Impact, Whole30, Leangains, homebrew workouts, etc. Of all of those, I am currently only still doing the Primal eating.


It's really two-fold. First off. I get bored with workouts easily. By about the 3rd phase of P90x I am ready to call it quits. Even though P90x has you switch it up with their "muscle confusion" tactics, going back and doing old exercises in that third phase really bored me.

Second - I read too much. I have a blogroll of about 200 fitness blogs that I scroll through on a daily basis. Combine that with about 500 fitness "experts" that I follow on twitter and one can easily see how I get bombarded with the latest and greatest in workouts and nutritional advice. Combine boredom with new ideas on eating and workouts and you can easily see why I end up switching workouts so often. I always think what someone else is doing is better than what I am doing and I need to try it ASAP. At least my diet has stayed consistent!

The biggest problem with going through life this way is that I never really achieve the fitness goals that I originally set out for. I need to settle down and give a workout time to really develop. If I don't, I will continue to just stroll through life. I don't want to stroll...I want to sprint!


I didn't start writing this post with a real resolution in mind. I have a few things that I am tossing around in my head that I will discuss in further detail later.  But as of right now, I am just sort of mulling along at the gym while I wait for that next big thing to come along. Hopefully that is soon because even mulling has me bored.


I would love to hear from you on some of the workout programs that you are currently involved in. Who knows, I may join ya!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Protein Shake Cleanse

I took an experience from The Healthier Me and his latest post on a 3-day Shakeology Cleanse and decided to do my own 3 day cleanse to jump start my weight loss. I changed it up a bit from his cleanse since I don't have Shakeology (that stuff is expensive!) and instead opted to use some of my own protein powder that I had around the house.


The premise of the cleanse is this. You start your day with a protein shake and some fruit. You have the same thing for lunch and then a healthy dinner. Sounds simple enough and it reminded me of those old SlimFast commercials from the 80's.


What I Did

I started the cleanse on Tuesday by making a shake that consisted of almond milk, protein powder, sunbutter, banana's, and strawberries. I made it a double so that I had some for lunch. For supper that night we had family over and they brought Chipotle. I am not one to resist Chipotle and mine consisted of a bowl (no rice) fajita veggies, double chicken, guac, lettuce, and salsa. Pretty healthy by my standards.

Wednesday saw me making the same shake as Tuesday. For supper my wife made up some chicken breast and right before bed I made up a protein shake with some casein protein powder.

On Thursday I wanted to keep my carbs low for the day since I was not working out so I decided to cut out the fruit. The shake then consisted of almond milk and a few tablespoons of Sunbutter. For supper my wife had cooked up some ground beef with onions and cabbage. She also made up some cinnamon apples to which I did have a few pieces. I also splurged and had a piece of string cheese right before bed.


Friday morning is now here and I have decided to continue on with the cleanse if even just through the day. I did manage some time to hop on the scale this morning and my weight is down to 179. So in total I lost 2lbs while doing this challenge. It's hard to say if that weight loss was a results of the cardio I did this week, the low calories consumed (1500 a day) or the shake cleanse itself. All I know is it's not quite the 5lbs that Mike from The Healthier Me lost but it also might be the difference in the shakes we made. I have heard that Shakeology is the bomb. Would love it if someone could send me some samples to try. Maybe 6 samples so I could try the cleanse for real this time? :)

So there you have it. Down 2lbs and hoping to be down 2 more by next week.

P.S. I have joined another weight loss challenge with some friends. Nothing like a challenge to help keep me motivated.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Cardio Here I Come

Last year I did a lot of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). It was a combination of Plyo, swimming, sprints, jump roping, etc. I then read that just 45 minutes of walking while in a fasted state could do the same thing as 20 inutes of HIIT. So I stopped the HIIT and began doing the walk instead. As evidence of my increasing waist line, it didn't work.   I attribute some of that to bad diet and some to lack of cardio.

What's Next?
I have been slowly been putting cardio back into my weekly routine. After the 1st week back, I realized that I really missed it. I really do enjoy working up a great sweat and being fatigued at the end. It makes me feel like I really accomplished something. Afterwards I feel fulfilled (and skinner). Could be all in my head but I really don't care. I feel good and that is all that really matters.

My first week back to HIIT I did some hill sprints down the street from my office. I followed that up with a nice run over the weekend and another run on Tuesday. Tomorrow I hope to get in 30 minutes of intense jump roping.We shall see in a few week if putting the HIIT back into my routines has any effect on my weight and muscle tone.

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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

So Sleepy

I am exhausted. Another night of broken sleep habits has left me chugging coffee like its water. My wife and I have a 4 week old preemie at home that is doing what babies do. Her and I take turns getting up with him but even that doesn't allow us to get a solid 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. He is totally worth the tiredness but I still wonder what effect this sleep deprivation will have on my weight loss and fitness goals.  As of late, my motivation and willingness to go to the gym as waned. I still get my workouts in but I feel like I am not giving 100% like I should be.

Sleep Loss Appears to Do Two Things:

  1. Makes you feel hungry even if you are full. Sleep loss has been shown to affect the secretion of cortisol, a hormone that regulates appetite. As a result, individuals who lose sleep may continue to feel hungry despite adequate food intake.

  2. Increases fat storage. Sleep loss may interfere with the body's ability to metabolize carbohydrates, which leads to high levels of blood sugar. Excess blood sugar promotes the overproduction of insulin, which can lead to the storage of body fat and insulin resistance, a critical step into the development of diabetes. Borrowed from Read More

This isn't new to me and I have heard it all before. One of the Primal rules is to make sure you get adequate sleep.  Ok. I understand that. But what do others do when that is not a possibility?  I cannot be the first person to want to tone up during a time when good sleep comes at a price. Do bodybuilders take off a couple of months when their wives give birth?  Has anyone reading this actually lost weight while not getting adequate sleep?

What Do I Do?

Here is the question of the day. Do I take a break from working out until my sleep patterns get back to normal or do I push myself harder and hope that the extra effort will counteract any negative effects the lack of sleep will provide?  I could see pulling a muscle from poor form brought on by being tired but I don't want to quit working out because of a "maybe".

It's just a matter of time before his sleepless nights will pass and I wouldn't trade this time for anything. Just curious what I should do in the mean time. Take a break or push through.


Monday, March 21, 2011

New Challenge


After a weekend of peanut butter popcorn balls (6), chocolate chip cookies (who knows how many), dairy, carbs, and very little sleep (about 3 hours at a time), I am ready to begin anew. Today marks day 1 of a challenge put on by members of my team at work. The rules are simple. Lose the most weight out of everyone in the 30 days and beat any one of the three managers and win $25 for each one you beat. Seems simple enough right?  There are currently about 12 people signed up for the contest so it could be a challenge. Oh yeah, this is challenge number 1 of three. The opportunity to win some money is great.  I like winning money.

In honor of this challenge and as a way to help me win this thing (to help pay for my new ipad) I have decided to start a somewhat strict paleo diet. I thought about doing the Whole30 challenge again but there are some items I just do not want to give up this time (protein shakes for one). Since I couldn't do the whole30 challenge in its entirety I decided to just call this one a Paleo challenge. It's simpler that way and I don't have to worry about copyright infringement.  Here is what I will try not to eat over the next 30 days:


  • Sugar of any kind, real or artificial. (I am going to allow myself to add some sugar free coffee creamer to my morning coffee. With a newborn at home and very limited sleep, I am in need of some coffee in the morning and try as I might, I just cannot drink the crap straight up black.)

  • Processed foods. (I will allow myself to drink protein shakes on this challenge. With my lack of time right now, I need to be able to grab something quick to fuel my workouts.)

  • Alcohol, in any form. (I don't even know the last time I had alcohol so I don't think this one is going to be a problem.)

  • Grains.(Already had some rice tonight. Whoops. It looked good and I was hungry)

  • Legumes.

  • Dairy. (Dairy hurts my stomach anyway so I have been trying to cut this out as much as possible.)

  • White potatoes. (It's cool. I am a sweet potato fan anyway.)

I am also trying something new calorie wise this time around.  I have been doing the Leangains approach to intermittent fasting the last few months but with very limited success. I am going to attempt to do that same approach this time but may limit the capacity on it a bit. I am also going to reduce my calorie intake to around 15oo calories a day. When I try and do the recommended daily intake based on my fitness levels, I never seem to lose weight. In fact, I usually feel like I gain some. So I am hoping that by cutting my calories down, if even just for the next 30 days, I can really shed some of the fat that has built up around my midsection. I will also do carb cycling. Lifting days will see a higher amount of carbs while cardio days will see a lower amount of carbs. Today I consumed just about 150grams so I was right on track of where I want to be.


This week my workouts are going to be a bit different. Next week I might start my Visual Impact workout again or I may try to find something new. For this week though, I am doing some density training. Basically I work a set of muscles in a push/pull fashion for 7 minutes straight with limited rest. This weeks workouts are as follows.

  • Monday - Biceps/Triceps/Abs

  • Tuesday - Cardio (5k combined with some hill sprints)

  • Wednesday - Legs/Shoulders/Abs

  • Thursday - Cardio (not sure what its going to be yet)

  • Friday - Chest/Back

  • Saturday - Cardio (again, not sure)

I like this format for now. It works for me, doesn't take a lot of my lunch break and I don't feel the burnout from going everyday that I was feeling a few months back. I am hoping the next workout program that I find will allow me to weight train on 3 days a week with light to no cardio on the other days. Any suggestions out there on what I could do?  I have heard great things about the Adonis Index and I listen to their pod-casts quite a bit. If anyone knows them and would be willing to put a good word in for me so I could obtain some free training or be a case study on new programs, that would be swell!

That is all I have for now. Later.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

It is 3am and I Am Not Perfect

Here is a picture of me from the other night (or early morning, however you look at it) at around 3 am. My wife and I had just got done with a feeding of our 3 week old son and I decided to snap a picture of how tired I am sure I looked. Why post that picture online for everyone to see? I will get to that in a moment.

I started this website almost 4 years ago. In its infancy, it wasn't even a blog. It was an informational website that included articles on health and fitness, a personal trainer listing, and even a store. It didn't do so well so I decided to go with a different approach. That was when the blog format was born.

Why a Blog?

I wanted to do a blog because I wanted to tell about my story of becoming fit and healthy. I was hoping to inspire people to ask me questions and seek me out for advice. It has always been a goal of mine to become a trainer and help people with their fitness and dietary needs. I felt that in order for people to trust me and what I had to say, I had to make myself seem perfect.  Trying to make everyone think you are perfect can be very exhausting.

I'm Tired

I am tired of putting up a front. Losing weight is not easy for me and it never has been. There are times when I go off my diet. There are times when I just don't want to work out. There are times when I obsess over every pound.  There are times when I just want to give up. Luckily for me, those feelings never last and I continue on my journey of healthy living. But overall I am struggling just like most everyone else.

Why Am I Telling You This?

I have decided to blog about my day-to-day struggles of being an obsessive fitness fanatic.  I want to show what it's really like to live my life. I want to show everyone that my life isn't easy and I have had to and continue to work hard to achieve what I have. I am hoping that my struggles will bring others peace of mind that they are not alone. The journey wont be easy and I may stray from the path from time to time.  But I am human and I am not perfect.  The picture above is not one of me at my best. I am not posing.  I am not showing off any muscles or a great summer tan. It's me at my most vulnerable. It's showing me for me.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Take the Paleo Survey

David over at has put together a great Paleo survey. It only takes a few minutes to complete so please head over there and do so.  I, for one, cannot wait to see the final results. I am sure there will be lots of good information to come from this survey.

Take the Paleo Survey

Monday, March 14, 2011

Reader Help

I have been doing this blog for a few years now but with only mediocre success. I get on average 100 or so hits a day with most of them coming from people searching for P90x.  Once in a while I will get some feedback or comments but not very often. Then I see blogs pop up and within days their traffic seems to soar, even with only a few posts. Their content doesn't seem to be any better but their reader feedback on the posts they do have is amazing.

So this is the part where I ask my readers for help on making my blog better. What type of content is missing from this site that would really draw you as a reader in?  Do I need to add more pictures to make this blog more personal, etc?  My goal is to really be able to interact with people on here. I want this site to be a place that people want to visit. What do you think it would take to make it that destination?

I am looking for constructive feedback here: good or bad. I really do want to know. I want to make this site better.


Sunday, March 13, 2011


Some of you may have noticed that I did not do a post yesterday. The reason it didn't happen was because our son finally came home from the hospital after being there for 2 1/2 weeks. After we got settled in, I was just too exhausted to try to get a post up. The good news is that he continues to do very well and is adapting very well to the new environment.

So why did I call this post "Failing"?  I don't often get on this blog and post all the times I have failed in my diet and exercise programs. I guess it's because I want everyone to think I am perfect in everything I do. I don't ever want to admit failure and therefore, I never post any of it. The truth is though, I do fail at times. As much as a hate to admit it, I am human. The last few weeks have been a mix of emotions for me and my diet and fitness have felt the consequences of that. I have gone from worry for my wife and son to excitement to have them home. The mix of emotions have caused me to deviate big time from my usual diet and workout routines.

I have shoveled food down my throat that I haven't eaten in well over a year. I downed soda's one after the other for the caffeine and sugar rush as I desperately tried to stay awake and alert to what was happening around me.  I have spent probably a total of 15 minutes in the gym during the last 3 weeks and none of the workouts were anything to applaud.

The time has now come to put all of that behind me. My son has come home and he is very healthy and doing great. My wife is doing awesome and we are very excited to start this new chapter in our lives.  My diet and workouts may fluctuate a bit as I learn to juggle a newborn and the sleepless nights but I am not going to let it get to me. I am going to learn to adapt and good things will come of it. Failing will happen at times but I am ok with that.

Tomorrow starts a new day and renewed energy. I have a new diet plan that I am going to unveil soon so come to make sure you keep an eye out for that.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Keeping My Obligation

I told myself I was going to post everyday during Lent. The time is now 11:00pm and I am exhausted, my son is set to come home from the hospital in the morning, my daughter has a 101 degree temp,  but yet here I sit trying to type something out. It's going to be short and sweet. Just go with it.

I went to a place called Smash Burger tonight. It was my first time and I didnt know what to expect. I walked out of there with 2 1/2lb burgers (no bun) and a side order of vegetable sticks.  It was one of the best "fast" food burger meals I have had. If you have a Smash Burger in your neighborhood, I suggest you check it out.


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Stand to Work

It's been a long day and I am back at the hospital with my wife and newborn son but in keeping with my promise to post everyday during Lent, I wanted to get something out here really quick. Below is a picture I took of my current cubicle. I decided to grab a box to elevate my laptop up a bit allowing me to stand to work. I am hoping by standing, I can work on my core and not slouch so much in my chair.  I managed to stand for about 2 hours straight before I sat down for the last hour.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

My Benefits of Being Healthy

Earlier I was discussing with a friend the benefits of being healthy. He was trying to convince me that there were no real benefits to working out and being healthy besides looking good. Of course, I disagreed with him and gave him some of my personal reasons for staying healthy.

Here are my Top Nine Reasons

  1. I can go outside and play with my kids rather than sitting on a chair and watching.

  2. I can go for walks and bike rides with my family.

  3. We can go to the park and walk the trails.

  4. I can take my family to the pool and be in the water with them.

  5. We can play ball or tag.

  6. My health wont prevent me from seeing my kids go to Prom, graduate from high school/college and get married.

  7. My health wont prevent me from holding my grandchildren and watching them grow.

  8. I know that my wife can count on me when she needs me most.

  9. My health wont prevent me from continuing to support my wife and family.

These are just but a few of the reasons why I want to maintain a healthy and vibrant lifestyle. In summary, I keep myself healthy so that I can continue to care for my family and provide them all of life's greatest treasures.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Time For Lent

It's that time of year again when Catholics all over the world give up something for 40 days in honor of the all mighty Creator. Sometimes the item given up is a favorite food and sometimes it's a vice that really needs to be given up and people use Lent as that reason.  Last year I didn't give up anything but instead took on a challenge. But for the life of me, I cannot remember what that challenge was. It must not have been the life fulfilling experience that I had hoped it would be.  I hope this year can be different.


What I Am Going to Do

This year I am going to give up a few things, but I am going to keep the specifics of exactly what, to myself.  I am also going to take on a personal challenge. That challenge is going to be to post something everyday on this blog. It's my hope that something I write will help to inspire others to improve their lives in a healthy way. Even if I can help one person, that will be a great accomplishment in my mind.


What About You?

Are you giving up anything for lent? Are you taking on any new challenges or possibilities? I would love to hear about it.


p.s. I am definitely going to give up my newly acquired diet soda addiction that came back after some very late and stressful nights these last few weeks. I am also going back on a strict paleo diet. There...I have said enough!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Dangers of Soy Based Infant Formula

As many of you know, my wife and I recently became the proud parents of a little boy. Since he was born a little early, he has had to spend his time in the NICU at our hospital.  A conversation came up a few days back about soy infant formula and being the health fanatic that I am, I immediately was up in arms regarding the topic. Many people do not know or understand the dangers of soy in infant formula so I thought I would link to a very interesting site on the subject.

And for the record, my son does not need formula let alone soy formula. It was mentioned in passing by a nurse only. Just wanted to clarify that.

Possible Effects of Soy Infant Formula
by Sally Fallon, Mary Enig, PhD, & Michael Fitzptrck

POSSIBLE EFFECTS OF PHYTOESTROGENS IN SOY INFANT FORMULASoy formula, which contains phytoestrogens, genistein and daidzein (also called isoflavones) is given to approximately 25% of those US children fed formula. It is estimated that an infant exclusively fed soy formula receives the estrogenic equivalent of at least five birth control pills per day. By contrast, almost no phytoestrogens have been detected in dairy-based infant formula or in human milk, even when the mother consumes soy products. A recent study found that babies fed soy-based formula had 13,000 to 22,000 times more isoflavones in their blood than babies fed milk-based formula. Scientists have known for years that isoflavones in soy products can depress thyroid function, causing autoimmune thyroid disease and even cancer of the thyroid. But what are the effects of soy products on the hormonal development of the infant, both male and female?

You can read the rest of the article here.

Tough Sleep

I know I am breaking a very important Primal rule with my sleeping habits lately. As you can see from the picture below, I have been sleeping on a hospital pull out bed. It’s cold, short, and makes a horrible squeaking noise every time.  The one thing it does give me though is the ability to stay at the hospital with my wife and newborn son. Heck, I would sleep on the floor if it meant that I was at the hospital with them.

I am looking forward to the day that we can all go home together and enjoy our own beds.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Paleo Diet Discussed on Nightline

I thought this video was pretty good at explaining the Paleo diet in a very generic sense. It didn't go into specifics as much as some would probably like but in the time allowed, I think it could really help people get interested in it.


Monday, February 28, 2011

It's a Baby!

Sorry about my lack of posting lately. My wife went into labor last week Monday (5 1/2 weeks early) and we have been spending all of our free time at the hospital with our new son.  Even though he is currently in the NICU he is doing good and we expect him to come home with us soon! While you wait for my next wonderful post, please feel free to surf through some of my most epic topics.  Take care.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Diet and Workout Programs

I recently emailed a co-worked with some advice on various workout programs and diets. After I finished it, I realized that it would also make a great post. So here you have it. Enjoy.


When I first started at my job 5 ½ years ago, I was tipping the scales at around 230lbs.  Being someone that has always had an interest in working out and eating “right”, that was a tough weight for me to swallow.  I knew I had to change.  What I started to do was pretty simple. I joined the 24 Hour Fitness up the street from my office and I would go workout 3 times a week before work. It took some dedication and a few hours of missed sleep but I knew that I had to do it. For the first month, I only did cardio (elliptical mainly). I then gradually added in some weight training and altered my diet by eating less food at each meal and adopting the philosophy of eating 6 small meals a day. I ate mainly fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains. I think portion control was my biggest benefactor and the weight slowly started to come off.  What I did back then may have worked for me, but I now have a lot more knowledge about different programs out there and I think I could have taken what then took me almost  year to accomplish and could now do it in months.  Below I have outlined some programs that I consider to be very effective. Some are hardcore and others, not so much. Just remember that the best diet is one that you can stick with long term. It needs to be more of a lifestyle change than a diet.

Leangains – this is the program I am doing right now. It involves fasting daily for 16 hours and then an 8 hour feed window. I work out fasted not including the ingestion of 10grams of BCAA. It allows some freedoms in eating habits to a certain extent but it does take some planning. On workout days (lifting), you would make carbs your primary macronutrient followed by protein and then fat. On non-workout days, you eat more protein, then fat, and then carbs. It’s a method of carb cycling. It works very well for a lot of people and is growing quite a bit in popularity.  This would be a great program if you plan on doing some heavy lifting and want to stay away from the intense cardio.

Primal/Paleo – All my Primal/Paleo peers would shoot me if I didn’t recommend this. I do this program along with Leangains.  This is about low carb eating  via all natural foods.  I have never felt better then when I eat like this. Some good reading material on this would be and a book called Primal BluePrint. Both are excellent resources and I highly recommend them both. Mark Sisson advocates eating like our primitive ancestors and doing basic exercises in moderation. You wont find any grueling 5 day a week workouts here. I think this is a great program for people that have busier lifestyles but it does take some commitment in the eating aspect.  Meat, fruit and vegetables are the primary staple of the Primal/Paleo diets. Can’t go wrong with that!  If you like carbs and sugar, it will be a hard one to follow but if you can stick with it, you will feel much better. I can attest to that.

Visual Impact – I am currently doing this workout program. It’s a great program to get that Hollywood look instead of the over bulked look of body builders. All though this program is mainly exercise based, Rusty does offer some solid advice on eating with his primary dietary focus being on calories consumed vs calories burned. He also just released a female version of his program that looks to be equally as promising.

Low Glycemic – Low Glycemic diets are what you see a lot of on TV where they ship you the food:  Medifast, South Beach, etc. The idea behind them is that certain foods have a great effect on blood sugar levels and thus insulin secretion. The more insulin that gets created and secreted, the more fat that will get stored. If you can eat foods that have low glycemic indexes, you can keep your insulin levels low and lose body fat.  I have never tried any of these (with the exception of a small stint with South Beach) but I am guessing they are a lot like low carb diets but with a little bit more freedom in some of the foods you can eat.  Go to the book store and you will find countless books on the GI diet as well as many recipe books. Might be the easiest one to follow. Something like this would work good with the Visual Impact program above or even P90x below.

Weight Watchers – Up until a few months ago, I didn’t know anyone that had tried Weight Watchers.  Recently, however, I have had a few family members try it and all have had great success with it. All three have lost double digit weights in a very short amount of time. From what I can tell, none of them had to really give up the foods that they enjoyed, just limit the quantities and frequencies a bit. The new Weight Watchers Plus allows zero point deductions for the consumption of fruits and vegetables. How awesome is that! Weight Watchers also has some great apps for the mobile market so you can always stay accountable regardless of where you are.

P90x – I have done this program about 6 times and its one of the best exercise programs out there in my opinion. One thing that many people don’t realize is that the workout program is only half of it. They also have a very extensive dietary program included and without it, the results you see on TV, would not have been achieved.  It’s pricey but if you can make it through the entire thing and follow the diet exactly, there is no reason why you wont be in the best shape of your life. This fall Tony Horton and Beachbody are releasing a follow up series called P90x MC2. You can bet that I will be purchasing that as soon as it comes out!

I hope some of this helps. If you have any questions about any of the stuff I listed above or if you have found other diets/programs that you want to ask me about or suggest for my list, please feel free to send me an email or leave a comment below.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Protein and Carbs

Had a great meal today. Let some Cornish Game Hens cook in the slow cooker overnight. The meat pretty much fell off of the bone this morning.


  1. 2 Cornish Game Hens

  2. 3 cups sweet potatoes

  3. 1 cup onion and pepper mix

  4. 1/4 beef broth

  5. 2 T tomato paste


  1. Omega3's

  2. Multi Vitamins

  3. B12 Complex

  4. Vitamin D

  5. Kelp

Nutrition Stats - (stats include my afternoon protein shake as well)

  • 1429 Calories

  • 26.6g of Fat

  • 172.8g of Protein

  • 126.3g of Carbs

Monday, February 7, 2011

This Weeks Fitness Goals

My goals for this week are as follows:

  1. Come up with a new workout structure for the second half of Visual Impact Phase II. I believe in both muscle confusion as well as not getting bored so I like to change up my workouts every 4 weeks. I also have a hard time coming up with my own routines so this has proven to be a bigger chore than I thought it would be.

  2. Eat better. I just came off of a 30 day Whole30 challenge where I only went off track 3 small times. In the last week  I have binged twice and felt the effects almost immediately.  This week I really want to get on track with some good healthy eating.

  3. Fine tune my leangains cut. I have been doing a lot of research over the last week on leangains. As many know, I have not had the best success with it over the last 6+ months. I have decided to do a cut first. Therefore, I am going to go into a daily deficit with at least one day a week as a refeed.  I hope this finally gets me to where I want to be.

  4. I am working on something exciting but I wont be able to announce it until the end of May.

That about wraps up my week in health and fitness. What are your plans to make this week the healthiest it can be?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Whole30 Challenge Review

Yesterday marked the completion of the Whole30 challenge that I sponsored at my office. Overall I think it went very well and I consider it a mild success. I, personally, lost 5 lbs and I know of others that lost weight as well. I felt great, had lots of energy and overall maintained a very positive attitude.  On the downside, not many other people actually completed the challenge in the manner that I was hoping. I was hoping everyone would really commit 100% to the challenge and not break from the acceptable list of foods. But no one really did for the whole thing. I, myself, lost 3 points based on my eating habits. Those 3 points came from some BBQ sauce on some chicken I ate and some peas that were in some stir fry that I made. Oh well, I still consider the challenge a success and I look forward to sponsoring another one soon.

Here are some things I learned about myself during the last 30 days.

  • Protein Shakes - I really enjoy protein shakes and not having the ability to have a quick shake to increase my protein intake drove me nuts. I miss the shakes so much that I went out and bought a new tub of protein powder last week in anticipation for this challenge being over.

  • Coffee – I thought I really needed coffee but it turns out I really don’t. I tend to get so focused on needing coffee for energy that I always find myself pouring a cup. In the last 30 days I have not had any coffee and have felt great. For those mornings its cold and I wanted to drink something hot, I found some great naturally flavored non-caffeinated teas that I enjoyed.

  • Soda - I broke the habit of needing diet soda. This was a bad one and I am really glad that I didn’t cave on it. Diet Mt. Dew was my favorite.

  • Cheat Meals - I miss having the occasion cheat meal with my family. There were nights were I only ate meat as I didn’t want to deviate from the challenge. Normally I allow myself some deviations from the diet. I really like the 80/20 rule. It’s been my friend and helped me (and my family) keep sane.

  • CrockPot - The CrockPot is the best cooking device. I have been able to put stuff in it before I leave for work and have it ready when I get back. Love that!

  • Sugar – It’s really hard to find products that don’t have sugar in them. Really hard. Even some spices have sugar in them. That surprised me.

  • Dairy – I think dairy was the thing that was keeping me from losing weight. I tended to put cheese on everything.

I have not decided if I will continue the challenge into February. I already had some banned foods last night but have been clean all of today. I think I probably will go as clean as I can and see what happens. I think in March I will sponsor another challenge for my entire company and see where that goes. Stay tuned for details!

**Update** - Found out that 2 of the people that I thought gave up on the challenge actually just stopped logging their daily points. In actuality, they actually completed the challenge and are still eating Paleo. In fact, he has lost 25lbs so far and his wife is down 15lbs. What a great testament to this challenge and how it can really help people to lose weight and feel better.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Meal Frequency Myth's Exposed

Today I walked into a meeting that was scheduled before mine. I got lucky enough to hear the last 10 minutes of it and found out the topic was on meal frequency and the importance of eating 6 small meals a day and never more than a few hours apart. I used to follow that advice and, personally, it made me miserable. I was constantly planning, cooking, and preparing food.  Quickly trying to fit 4 of those meals into my work day soon became a huge burden. About a year ago I stumbled upon intermittent fasting, fasted training, and reduced meal frequency. The results since then have been fantastic. My energy levels are up, my body fat percentage is down,  my food intake is actually higher, and I no longer have the burden of needing to cook and prepare so many meals.

A few months ago I ran across an article by Martin Berkhan where he debunked the top 10 fasting myths. Walking into today's meeting reminded me of that and I thought I would post that link in here to share with everyone else.

Feel free to discuss and debate in the comments. I am curious what others thoughts are on the subject of meal frequency and/or fasting.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Quick Update

I am exhausted and ready for bed but I have been wanting to get a good post up for awhile so here I am.  It will be a post but I cannot vouch for how good it will be.

As some know, I have been doing a combination of Visual Impact and Leangains for roughly 2 months now and I am really starting to see a difference. Just today I had to cinch my belt up to the very last (homemade) hole. The one usually reserved for when I wear tighter style dress pants. And for the first time ever, that last notch didn't feel uncomfortable!

Although I am losing body fat and weight on the scale, I am not quite ready to take new progress photo's quite yet. Maybe in another month or so.  I really want to go for the ab shot before I put up another picture. If not, I am afraid no one would be able to tell the difference.

Well that is about all I have for now. I am hoping to post about my Whole30 challenge that I have been doing at the office. Maybe by the end of the weekend I can get that up as well.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Theming Machine!

Not sure if Theming is even a word but that is what best describes me the last two nights. First I revamped this site a bit (what do you think?). Then I thought I might as well try and redo my tumblr one as well. My wife was kind enough to take a few shots of my workout today and that provided a good header. I will probably play around with the tumblr one a bit more so dont be suprised if you go to it one day and it looks completely different.

Then there is the fact that I have 2 fitness blogs. I really like the simplicity of it. I just don’t really know if I want to keep and maintain 2 separate fitness blogs. Maybe I will see which one brings in the most traffic!

Had a great workout today. I was working from home because of all the snow we got yesterday. Since I don’t have a lot of weights here I decided to do the P90x Back and Bicep workout instead of my usual strength training session. It was a great workout and I followed it up with some HIIT snow shoveling!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Homemade Dip Belt

Now that I am getting stronger, the need has arisen to add some weight to my pull-ups and dips. I have tried the dumbbell between the legs act but didn't fair so well with it. So I went in search of a good (but cheap dip belt to purchase).  After seeing how expensive they were, I wondered if I could make my own. That was when I stumbled upon this post . After seeing this, I thought I, too, could make my own....and I did.

I started off with some pipe insulation from my local Home Depot (about $2.00). I then purchased 6 feet of chain (about $10.00). I then proceeded to go to Wal-Mart where I knew they had some different colored duct tape (about $4.00) and I picked out a nice blue one. The carabiners I had from a previous project that I did.

The belt is pretty simple to make.

  1. Run the chain through the insulation

  2. Wrap with duct tape a few times

  3. Attach the carabiners

  4. and then lift!

I have already used this at the gym a few times and with great success. It has held up to about 35lbs so far and with no discomfort to me at all. If I could change anything, I might try and find a thicker sturdier pipe insulation and one without the slit in it.

[nggallery id=19]

Thursday, January 13, 2011

1700 Calorie Lunch

I had a nice 1700 calorie post-workout lunch today. How do you sit down and eat 1700 calories of whole healthy foods in one sitting? Glad you asked! Here is what I ate

  • 4 - 1/4lb burgers grilled on a George Foreman type grill. (Sorry Paleo people but I was going for carbs this meal and not fat)

  • 4 cups of cubed sweet potatoes

  • 1 cup yellow onion

  • 1 cup red pepper

  • 1/2 cup beef broth

  • 2 tablespoons of tomato paste

  • seasoning

  • Can of tuna in spring water

For desert I mashed up two bananas and mixed it with some cocoa powder. Now that was good!

For supper I kept it light and had a chicken breast and another can of tuna fish. For those that are wondering, I only eat like this on the days that I lift heavy. Tomorrow will be a little similar but with less carbs (was at about 300 carbs today). This weekend I will really cut back and just eat high protein, high fat and very low carb. I will also continue my daily 16 hour fasting schedule that I do. Questions about my diet? Drop me an email. I would love to answer them.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Whole30 Challenge

On January 1st, some co-workers and I started a 30 day whole foods challenge based on the Whole30.  To make it a bit easier and in an attempt to make sure that everyone put forth their best effort, I gave everybody 100 points to start off with.  Whenever a mistake was made, they had to deduct 1 point for each incident. The person that had the most points at the end of the month will be awarded a $25 gift card to VitaminShoppe.

To make it even easier on everyone (because ease of use is what its all about), I found a great website called The 100 Point Challenge.  You setup an account (or use your Facebook account), create a challenge, and then invite people to join your challenge. Every day you log on and deduct a point based on how many "mistakes" you made in your diet for the day.  We started out with about 10 people and so far there are 3 of us that still have 100 points and no one has completely fallen off of the radar yet.

I look forward to the results of the people that joined and really hope that some of them come out with a new respect for clean eating.

**Update - January 7th. I spoke with two people today about their progress. One is down 8lbs since the 1st and the other is down 3lbs. The one that is down 3lbs has also seen his sleep improve and has pretty much eliminated his issues with heartburn. I would say that is some good progress! **

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Low Calorie Week Off

I spent the week eating low calorie and getting in a daily run. I also took the week off from weight training to let my muscles refresh and to just relax and enjoy the holiday season. Next week I start Phase II of Visual Impact. I will be working on a combination of size and strength. I am very much looking forward to getting back into the gym. Oh yeah, I also ordered and received a GymBoss to help me with my intervals. I cannot wait to start using it on Monday at the gym.

Today also marks the start of my Whole Foods challenge that I setup with some co-workers in my office. The concept is simple. Follow the Paleo eating habits and avoid all processed foods.  We are using a website called 100 Point Challenge to track it all. I will be posting my own personal struggles with the eating plan along with some tips and recipes throughout the month. At the end of it all, I will put up a summary of my thoughts and any progress that it allowed me to obtain towards my own personal goals.

2011 New Years Resolutions

My New Year Resolutions:

  1. Eat better

  2. Workout more efficiently

  3. Work smarter

  4. Live smarter

  5. Spend more quality time with my family

Original, I know!  I actually have some really good resolutions that I made but I am keeping them to myself!