Friday, February 21, 2014

Renegade Diet

I recently purchased the Renegade Diet as it very closely resembles my current style of eating but with a few added twists that I am hoping will help me to get over my plateau. I am willing to give it a good run through for the next 30 days and then I will do a  full review at the end of the cycle. I am also going to try and post everyday, my eating habits and workouts so that everyone can see my progress or critique my choices. I really think this could be a lifestyle change for everyone and I cannot wait to prove that to the masses.
My starting weight is 181lbs. Remember that number. I will also post my workout benchmarks as I go through them. My workout strength has gone done  a bit from a few months back but I credit that to a very sore elbow that just will not heal.  I also have a Day 1 progress photo but I am not quite ready to post that on here. :)


  1. Very interested to see the results!

  2. Thanks. Hopefully this will be the time I actually get results.
