Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Tennis Elbow

My right elbow continues to give me problems. I have done everything from taking a break from working out, to hot/cold compresses, to icy hot. At this point I am really not sure what to do next. I think it may be time to start lifting for reps for awhile rather than try and set PR's on everything I do. It's not ideal and not what I really want to do but I am getting really tired of this feeling and it's effecting the amount of weight I can lift anyway.

Does anyone else have any ideas on what I can do to get rid of the pain? I am pretty sure its tennis elbow.


  1. You might try an Orthopedic doctor or massage therapist. --- I've been on a month long rest from crossfit because of tennis elbow.

  2. I took a week off once to try and recover but it didn't do much good. I really hate to take an entire month off and lose some of the progress that I have made. But at the same time, trying to workout with this injury probably isnt doing me any good anyway. I might need to try that suggestion as well as contacting a massage therapist or Orthopedic Dr.

  3. I have had this for years the best result I've had is massaging/
    frictioning the muscle near the elbow where its torn with the top
    knuckle of the opposite thumb. I used an arnica cream when doing this
    but it probably was just working as a massage oil
