Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Weekly Wrap Up 2.25.12

I am late getting this out and therefore it will be an abbreviated post of my week. I had family in town for the week for my son's 1st birthday. My diet took a break for the occasion and I actually put on a few pounds because of it.  As of Friday morning, I was back down to my starting weight pre-party so that was nice.

I have lowered my carb intake significantly in order to speed up my fat loss. In doing so, I feel that my strength has also taken a bit of a hit. I will discuss this in a future post along with what I plan on doing to rectify the situation.

I had a moment last week were I thought about transitioning to a 5x5 program for a few weeks in order to overcome some personal plateaus that I have been stuck at. Instead though I am going to make some modifications to my pyramid routine with some additional emphasis put on the body parts that I want to increase size on vs just strength. I will discuss this in a future post as well.

I hope everyone else's week was productive. Peace out.


  1. Hey, are you on fitocracy? If not, you may find it an interesting way to log/track your workouts and interact with a wider community of like-minded people. I'm on there as weethomas (http://www.fitocracy.com/profile/weethomas)

  2. I actually am on fitocracy.com although I dont log into it much anymore. I track my workouts using the jefit.com app on my phone and trying to transfer those logs over to fitocracy just got to be too much. I will look you up though just in case I start using it again.
