Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Site Redesign

As anyone can clearly see, I have redesigned my blog.  A few days ago I was looking around the old site and noticed that I hadn't written much lately. It's not that I didn't have anything to write about, it's just that I am not that great of a writer. My old theme was a magazine style theme that tended to make the reader believe they were going to be reading something fantastic and mind blowing. That is not really me.  I would sit down at my computer and try to come up with a story or article that would really impress my readers. In the end, I usually had nothing that lived up to my own high standards.  So I started to think about why I started the blog in the first place. It originally came about as a place to place my thoughts about working out, nutrition, food, etc. It was never meant to be a place where I could single handily solve the world's obesity problems.  The old theme made me think that was what I needed to do.

I set out to modify the original theme into a more personal site.  I wanted full articles on the page with easy links for comments. I wanted some simple widgets on the side and a toned down advertising section. About an hour into my tinkering, I really managed to screw up the old theme and quickly realized it wasnt going to do what I wanted it to do. So I set out to find a new theme. If you visited the site the last few days you have probably noticed quite a few different looks as I messed around with different ideas and concepts.  Totally I finally settled on (for now) the theme you are seeing before your very eyes. It's clean, refreshing, simple, and loads pretty fast.

Most importantly,  I feel it really allows me to open myself up to start writing about more simple things. Things like the struggle I am having at the gym lately or my lack of motivation to eat right. The old theme didn't allow me to share that very well. This new theme is going to open up a a whole new world for me. Watch out!

With all that said, what do you think of the new theme? Do you see anything that could be different? Is it easy to read and follow? Is it easy on the eyes? Do you like it? I am open to opinions and thoughts. I really want to make it into a great site.