Saturday, March 17, 2012

Weekly Wrap Up 3.17.12

Personal Records

Another really good week of lifting. It's sort of funny when I think back to my actual workouts. I didnt start any of my workouts actually "feeling it" but yet I put up new personal bests every time.

Deadlift - 365.0x3 - At the end of January I was deadlifting 325.0x4 so I have increased by about 40lbs.
Bench - Benched 230.0x5 back in January. This week it was 240.0x4. Not a huge increase but I will take it.
Chin-up - 65.0x4 - With my current body weight of roughly 185 this puts my chin-up weight at 250lbs. At the end of January I was at 235lbs
Squat - 275.0x4 - I was doing 235lbs at 3 reps at the end of January.

As you can see my strength continues to go up week after week. I couldn't be happier.


I hopped onto the scale yesterday and weighed in at 183.8lbs. This is about a 9lb decrease from my highest weight of 193 which I recorded right after the holidays. It's always nice to lose weight and gain muscle at the same time.

Workout Changes

My tweak to the Reverse Pyramid routine is going good. As last reported, I increased my reps on shoulder presses to allow for more muscle growth. I have also gone to a 12-10-8-6, 12-15 set on curls to, again, allow for more growth.


My diet has been consistent this week. 100 grams of carbs on lifting days and less than 50 on rest days. Yesterday I played racquetball with a guy from work so I actually increased my carbs to 100 to account for the large deficit playing caused. Friday's are always hard for me because they are my cheat day. I always go into them thinking I will go high carb but still try to stay under my calorie maintenance level. Well that never happens. I tend to really binge on Fridays. On the plus side my weight continues to drop so I must be doing something right.


Obviously my toe was feeling good enough to play racquetball this week so that was good. I am suffering from some sort of pain in my elbow though. It's almost like a tendonitis type feeling. Hurt's to the point where it's hard for me to lift any amount of significant weight with it. I am hoping its just the effect of playing racquetball yesterday and not being used to the movement of the racquet.


That wraps up this week. It's now been 4 week since my last deload week and I am seriously considering taking next week off from the usual routine. Who knows, I might do some crossfit type stuff. We shall see.

Peace out.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Weekly Wrap Up 3.02.12

Personal Records

Overall this week was pretty successful for me in the gym and on the scale. I am down another 2.5 lbs this week for a grand total of 5lbs lost since I went back to doing a low carb leangains cycle. I know last week I had mentioned that I thought my strength was going down since I switched to low carb but this week pretty much shot that theory to dust when I exceeded all of my PR's in almost all major lifts! I set new PR's in deadlift, squat, bench, and pullups/chinups!


Someone hit me up on twitter this week commenting on the fact that I am weighing myself again. He found it funny since I have been against not getting on a scale for awhile now. I am doing it for two reasons. Reason number one is for the contest that I got talked into doing at work. I really don't want to be the guy that gains weight so I am doing the best I can to not. The second reason is this bodybuilding show coming up in May. I really want to enter and the deadline is approaching fast. I felt that if I can get my weight down a little bit, I might actually have a chance at getting on stage. I am currently at 185 and I feel I need to be at 175 in order to make a run at it.

Workout Changes

I am tweaking my Reverse Pyramid routine a bit to allow for some muscle growth in areas I feel that I could use it. For now that means my shoulders and arms. I am still doing RPT but with high reps/lower weight and taking it to failure on those body parts. I should know in a few weeks if I was a good idea to make that change.


My diet has remained pretty constant the last 2 weeks. I did have a pretty big cheat day last Sunday caused by some friends pushing a 2 lb bag of M&M's on me. I cannot resist those stupid candies and ended up having quite a few handfuls. My body didn't seem to mind too much and I still was able to drop that aforementioned 2.5lbs this week.  I seem to do pretty well if I can go low carb all week followed by a 4 hour high carb feeding window.


I have been fighting a sore neck and back for a week now. It hasn't really affected my workouts too much but does make it a pain to turn my head to the left. My toe is also recovering (slowly) from its run in with the wall during racquetball 4 weeks ago. I feel that I am finally at a point with it that I can start playing again.


That about wraps up my week. I am looking forward to another 2 weeks of hard lifting followed by a week of casual cardio and maybe some disc golf.