After a repetitive workout of push-ups, pull-ups and listening to Tony Horton I sat in the locker room tired but bored and unfulfilled. Sure Tony gave me a run for my money on the push-ups but the repetitive nature of the workouts has really gotten to me. I sat there and thought about the enjoyable time I had over the weekend playing with my kids. On Saturday we went to the local middle school and played soccer and Frisbee. I hung up my suspension straps and we did pull ups and other various forms of upper body movements. To top it off we did sprints up and down the football field. On Monday, after a great walk we decided to let the kids play at the playground. I have never been one to sit buy and watch my kids have all the fun so I joined them. We did the monkey bars, climbed some poles and held onto the zip lines. Now that is working out should be about!
My point here is that you don't have to be at a gym to get a workout. By incorporating simple movies into daily activities, you can achieve your goals and not be subject to the monotonous nature of gyms or 60 minutes workout videos. Get out of the gym and enjoy life!